
IAdoreYou作詞:ErikMattiassonLostinadaydreamofblueIfeelsofreeAndthenit'slikeIfallfromtheskyEverythingthatIseeisyouAndyou ...,2023年10月29日—LyricsforIAdoreYoubyMelpoMene.LostinadaydreamofblueandIfeelsofreeAndthenit′slikeIfallfromtheskyEvery...,Lostinadaydreamofblue.AndIfeelsofree.AndthenIt'slikeIfallfromthesky.EverythingthatIseeisyou.AndyoushouldknowthatI'm,lyrics.標題MelpoMene-IAdoreYou(Volvo...

I Adore You

I Adore You 作詞:Erik Mattiasson Lost in a daydream of blue I feel so free And then it's like I fall from the sky Everything that I see is you And you ...

I Adore You Lyrics

2023年10月29日 — Lyrics for I Adore You by Melpo Mene. Lost in a daydream of blue and I feel so free And then it′s like I fall from the sky Every...

I Adore You Lyrics by Melpo Mene

Lost in a daydream of blue. And I feel so free. And then It's like I fall from the sky. Everything that I see is you. And you should know that I'm

Melpo Mene - I Adore You (Volvo XC90 廣告歌)

lyrics. 標題Melpo Mene - I Adore You (Volvo XC90 廣告歌). 時間Tue Jul ... you And you should know that I'm thinking about what you said When ...

Melpo Mene

I Adore You Lyrics: Lost in a daydream of blue / And I feel so free / And then It's like I fall from the sky / Everything that I see is you / And you should ...


2009年8月10日 — 答案,無庸置疑,一定是Melpo Mene的Live版與LV皮件廣告精緻動畫版。 希望你會喜歡! Enjoy it! I Adore You lyrics: Lost in a daydream of blue